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2006 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing
Sept. 29 2006 to Oct. 1 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Table of Contents
Session 1: Autonomic Computing and Selfware
Session 1: Autonomic Computing and Selfware
Session 1: Autonomic Computing and Selfware
Session 2: Cryptography
Session 2: Cryptography
Session 3: Autonomic Computing and Monitoring
Session 3: Autonomic Computing and Monitoring
Session 3: Autonomic Computing and Monitoring
Session 3: Autonomic Computing and Monitoring
Session 4: Reliability and Security Modeling
Session 4: Reliability and Security Modeling
Session 4: Reliability and Security Modeling
Session 4: Reliability and Security Modeling
Session 5: Autonomy Supported by Grid and Pervasive Computing
Session 5: Autonomy Supported by Grid and Pervasive Computing
Session 5: Autonomy Supported by Grid and Pervasive Computing
Session 6: Network Security
Session 6: Network Security
Session 6: Network Security
Session 7: Self-Adaptation and Scheduling
Session 7: Self-Adaptation and Scheduling
Session 7: Self-Adaptation and Scheduling
Session 8: Autonomous Intrusion Detection
Session 8: Autonomous Intrusion Detection
Session 8: Autonomous Intrusion Detection
Session 8: Autonomous Intrusion Detection
Session 9: Autonomy in Sensor Networks
Session 9: Autonomy in Sensor Networks
Session 9: Autonomy in Sensor Networks
Session 10: Automated Trust Management
Session 10: Automated Trust Management
Session 11: Access Control
Session 11: Access Control
Session 12: Autonomic Computing and Context Awareness
Session 12: Autonomic Computing and Context Awareness
Session 12: Autonomic Computing and Context Awareness