MASCOTS '95. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Jan. 18 1995 to Jan. 20 1995
Durham, North Carolina
ISBN: 0-8186-6902-0
Table of Contents
Session 1B - Queueing Systems I
Session 1B - Queueing Systems I
Session 2A - Networking I *
Session 2A - Networking I *
Session 2B - Distributed Simulation
Session 2B - Distributed Simulation
Session 2B - Distributed Simulation
Session 2B - Distributed Simulation
Session 3A - Queueing Systems II *
Session 3A - Queueing Systems II *
Session 3B - Multiprocessor Architecture
Session 3B - Multiprocessor Architecture
Session 3B - Multiprocessor Architecture
Session 3B - Multiprocessor Architecture
Session 4A - Queueing Systems III *
Session 4A - Queueing Systems III *
Session 4B - Distributed System I
Session 4B - Distributed System I
Session 5A - Modeling Techniques *
Session 5A - Modeling Techniques *
Session 5A - Modeling Techniques *
Session 5B - Parallel Systems I
Session 5B - Parallel Systems I
Session 6A - Parallel Systems II
Session 6A - Parallel Systems II
Session 6B - TOOLS: Processor, Network and System Simulation
Session 6B - TOOLS: Processor, Network and System Simulation
Session 6B - TOOLS: Processor, Network and System Simulation
Session 7A - Networking II
Session 7A - Networking II
Session 7B - TOOLS: Optimizing Parallel Programs
Session 7B - TOOLS: Optimizing Parallel Programs
Session 7B - TOOLS: Optimizing Parallel Programs
Session 8A - Systems Modeling I
Session 8A - Systems Modeling I
Session 8A - Systems Modeling I
Session 8A - Systems Modeling I
Session 8B - TOOLS: Petri Nets, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Session 8B - TOOLS: Petri Nets, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Session 8B - TOOLS: Petri Nets, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
Session 9A - Distributed Systems II
Session 9A - Distributed Systems II
Session 9B - Networking III
Session 9B - Networking III
Session 9B - Networking III
Session 10A - Real Time
Session 10B - Systems Modeling II
Session 10B - Systems Modeling II
Session 10B - Systems Modeling II
Invited Papers
Additional Papers [The following paper and others noted elsewhere are included in this section]
Additional Papers [The following paper and others noted elsewhere are included in this section]