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Simulation Symposium, Annual

Apr. 7 1997 to Apr. 9 1997

Atlanta, GA

ISSN: 1080-241X

ISBN: 0-8186-7934-4

Table of Contents

ForewardFreely available from IEEE.pp. viii
CommitteesFreely available from IEEE.pp. ix
Welcoming MessageFreely available from IEEE.pp. x
Session 1: Keynote Address: Chair: Enrique V. Kortright, Nicholls State University
Parallel Simulation: Past, Present, and FutureFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 2
Session 2: Parallel and Distributed Simulation I: Chair: Phil Wilsey, University of Cincinnati
Execution-Driven Simulation of Error Recovery Techniques for MulticomputersFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 4
Session 2: Parallel and Distributed Simulation I: Chair: Phil Wilsey, University of Cincinnati
A Heterogeneous Environment for Hardware/Software CosimulationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 14
Session 2: Parallel and Distributed Simulation I: Chair: Phil Wilsey, University of Cincinnati
Analytical Simulation for Performance Analysis of Distributed Virtual Reality SystemsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 206
Session 3: Object-Oriented Simulation with Java: Chair: Setphen Szygenda, University of Alabama, Brimingham
Gravity: An Object-Oriented Framework for Hardware/Software Tool IntegrationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 24
Session 3: Object-Oriented Simulation with Java: Chair: Setphen Szygenda, University of Alabama, Brimingham
JSIM: A JAVA-Based Simulation and Animation EnvironmentFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 31
Author indexFreely available from IEEE.pp. 227-227
Session 3: Object-Oriented Simulation with Java: Chair: Setphen Szygenda, University of Alabama, Brimingham
Modeling and simulation with UML and JavaFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 43
Session 4: Parallel and Distributed Simulation II: Chair: William Bishop, University of Waterloo
Performance Evaluation of the Aggressive Adaptive-Risk Approach for Parallel and Distributed SimulationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 50
Session 4: Parallel and Distributed Simulation II: Chair: William Bishop, University of Waterloo
Performance Issues of Task Routing and Task Scheduling with Resequencing in Homogeneous Distributed SystemsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 56
Session 4: Parallel and Distributed Simulation II: Chair: William Bishop, University of Waterloo
Exploiting Component/Event-Level Parallelism in Concurrent Fault and Design Error SimulationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 64
Session 5: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: John Miller, University of Georgia
A multiple domain environment for efficient simulationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 76
Session 5: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: John Miller, University of Georgia
A Simulation Environment for Core Based Embedded SystemsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 86
Session 5: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: John Miller, University of Georgia
Simulation of equipment design optimisation in microelectronics manufacturingFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 92
Session 6: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Frederic Petrot, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
A New Role of Graphical Simulation: Software TestingFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 216
Session 6: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Frederic Petrot, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
A study of dynamic traffic re-routing in the National Airspace SystemFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 104
Session 6: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Frederic Petrot, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
MC++: A Parallel, Portable, Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Code in C++Full-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 114
Session 7: Network Modeling and Simulation: Chair: Taieb Znati, University of Pittsburgh
Towards the Design of a Heterogeneous Hierarchical Machine: A Simulation ApproachFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 126
Session 7: Network Modeling and Simulation: Chair: Taieb Znati, University of Pittsburgh
Two Nondeterministic Event Building Methods derived from the Barrel ShifterFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 137
Session 7: Network Modeling and Simulation: Chair: Taieb Znati, University of Pittsburgh
A Simulation Framework for the Analysis of Multicast Tree AlgorithmsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 196
Session 8: Logic and VLSI Circuit Simulation I: Chair: A. Ilumoka, University of Hartford
ADVISE: Performance Evaluation of Parallel VHDL SimulationFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 146
Session 8: Logic and VLSI Circuit Simulation I: Chair: A. Ilumoka, University of Hartford
SIMx86: An extensible simulator for the Intel 80/spl times/86 processor familyFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 157
Session 8: Logic and VLSI Circuit Simulation I: Chair: A. Ilumoka, University of Hartford
Modular artificial neural network models for simulation and optimization of VLSI circuitsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 190
Session 9: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Brian Malloy, Clemson University
Concurrent Fault and Design Error Simulation in Interactive Simulation Automation SystemFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 168
Session 9: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Brian Malloy, Clemson University
The Acceleration of VHDL Simulation by Classifying EventsFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 177
Session 9: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Brian Malloy, Clemson University
Dynamic Structure Modeling and Simulation of the Eratosthenes Sieve for Prime NumbersFull-text access may be available. Sign in or learn about subscription options.pp. 184
Session 9: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments: Chair: Brian Malloy, Clemson University
Author IndexFreely available from IEEE.pp. 227
Showing 30 out of 30