CLOSED Call for Papers: Special Issue on Green and Sustainable ComputingCall for Papers: Special Issue on Green and Sustainable Computing

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Submissions Due: 15 October 2022

The many instantiations of computing collectively may consume as much as 10% of the world’s electricity today and may be growing to more than 20% by the decade’s end. Such a prolific use of electricity also impacts the globe’s carbon footprint. How can we manage and reduce this?

This special issue will focus on presenting new and incremental research on how to manage and reduce the electricity consumption and/or the carbon footprints of computing without compromising technological needs of the current and future generations. We are soliciting submissions on topics that contribute to our better understanding of the progress being made to describe the challenges or to improve the outcomes of green and sustainable computing. Papers on a range of topics are invited, including, but not limited to:

  • Challenges related to the metrics or modeling of energy consumption, energy efficiency, and/or environmental sustainability.
  • Compelling application domains such as cloud computing, wearable computing, blockchain mining, 5G, IoT, smart grids, smart transportation, smart building and urban computing, data centers, and industrial automation.
  • Tools, methodologies, and frameworks for analyzing the energy consumption of cybersecurity, virtual machines, and quantum-computing workloads.
  • Case studies that showcase the challenges, innovations, and solutions to computing for environmental sustainability.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: October 15, 2022
Initial notifications: December 1, 2022
Revised papers due: March 1, 2023
Publication: June 2023

Submission Guidelines

For author information and guidelines on submission criteria, please visit the Author Information page. Please submit papers through the ScholarOne system, and be sure to select the special-issue name. Manuscripts should not be published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Please submit only full papers intended for review, not abstracts, to the ScholarOne portal.


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Guest Editors

Dr. Norita Ahmad, American University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)
Dr. Joseph Williams, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA)