2015 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT)
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This paper is a review of the literature on detection of lung cancer using medical content based image retrieval. Lung cancer is prominent cancer as it states large number of deaths of more than a million every year. It creates need of detecting the lung nodule at early stage in Computer Tomography medical images. So to detect the occurrence of cancer nodule at early stage, the requirement of methods and techniques is increasing. There are different methods and techniques existing but none of them provide a better accuracy of detection. This provides content based image retrieval Computer Aided Diagnosis System (CAD) for early detection of lung nodules from the Chest Computer Tomography (CT) images. There are various phases described in the proposed CAD system. These are extraction of lung region from chest computer tomography (CT) images, segmentation of the lung region, feature extraction from the segmented region, and the classification of occurrence and non-occurrence of cancer in the lung. This paper describes the available literature and the techniques used for the detection of lung cancer.
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