This article highlights the Nanchang University, Chang-Da on the 1st series and parallel using a group of 3.3V Li-ion battery boxes made of 288V, to a three-phase brushless DC motor to drive, and by TMS320LF2407A DSP to control the PWM output, and then adopted by the IGBT device composed of three-phase full-bridge circuit to drive the brushless DC motor speed, thus ensuring the motor speed control requirements, and also designed a by TL431, PC817, HCPL316J, UC3844, LT1117 chips such as the composition of the DC / DC conversion. Through this circuit, you can accurately get the output of 12V, 15V, 9V and 3.3V voltage, so that the these voltages can give electric cars the various electronic devices, as well as DSP power to maintain the normal operation of electric vehicles by Chang Da on the 1st successful development of electric vehicles, indicating the reliability of the design.