Big data in education relate closely to a wealth of activities from the teachers, students and parents, as well as a substantial resources of knowledge that can be represented in hierarchical structures. The activities have characteristic of geolocation which can be projected onto a map, while the resources of knowledge can also be converted into the map. A map-based management and visual analysis method will largely benefit the users and the researchers from taking advantages of the big data in education. In this paper, we propose a novel map based method to manage and analyze the big data of mobile learning in education. With this method, the activities of users scattered among the space are reorganized on a geographic map with location changes in time series, and the resources are geo-tagged with the information from the developers or adopters, which are converted to a map style according to their hierarchical structures even when the users' information are unavailable. We first present the basic framework to organize the data by a map-based technology, and then a platform is proposed to perform the visual analysis. The method is adapt to the construction of massive online learning system and the mobile learning system of Central China Normal University to serve a national wide big data cloud learning program.