The large quantity of data flowing through network equipment demands that effective and efficient models be built to identify whether sessions are healthy or malicious. These models can be complex to build, and may rely on manually-labeled data. As a result, it is desirable to update or rebuild these models as rarely as possible without impairing classification performance. In this work, we consider the Kyoto dataset, training models on a single day's worth of data and testing these models under two circumstances: using 12 datasets gathered between six and twelve months after the training date, and using 9 datasets gathered between 18 and 19 months after the training date. In all cases, we apply three feature rankers (in addition to no feature ranking) and consider four classification models. We find that the results for the "near-term" 12 datasets are similar to those from the "long-term" 9 datasets, demonstrating that once a model has been built, it can potentially be used for over a year afterwards.