Cloud computing is becoming the main computing model in the future due to its advantages such as high resource utilization rate and save high cost of performance. The public environments is become necessary to secure their storage and transmission against possible attacks such as known-plain-text attack and semantic security. How to ensure the data security and the privacy preserving, however, becomes a huge obstacle to its development. The traditional way to solve Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) problem is using Trusted Third Party (TTP), however, TTPs are particularly hard to achieve and compute complexity. To protect user's privacy data, the encrypted outsourcing data are generally stored and processed in cloud computing by applying homomorphic encryption. According to above situation, we propose Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based homomorphic encryption scheme for SMC problem that is dramatically reduced computation and communication cost. It shows that the scheme has advantages in energy consumption, communication consumption and privacy protection through the comparison experiment between ECC based homomorphic encryption and RSA&Paillier encryption algorithm. Further evidence, the scheme of homomorphic encryption scheme based on ECC is applied to the calculation of GPS data of the earthquake and prove it is proved that the scheme is feasible, excellent encryption effect and high security.