Computing, Communication, Control and Management, ISECS International Colloquium on
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Resource Discovery deserves an important role in Grid. It can allow the system to be aware of which resources have been added and which are available. The key of resource discovery is organization of all information of resources and the status about systems. In currently deployed Gird, the information services used for resource discovery usually have been organized into centralized structure or hierarchical structure, such as ChinaGrid etc, for efficiency. As we know, available resources in Grid usually come from different administrative systems. With the increased popularity of Grid systems and the loosing of resource participation rules, there should be more administrative systems that can provide more or less powerful resources for Grid systems. Moreover, Grids are statically over-provisioned to handle peak loads that make resource utilization rates be low. And at the same time, with the QoS constraints that currently govern most Grid applications will loosen up so that Grids will move towards more popular and diverse application scenarios while these Grid systems almost are island from each other. So pooling resources together to form a virtual resource warehouse seems natural to enhance resource utilization as well as to reduce costs. In this paper, we propose a resource-centric P2P model for Grid resource discovery, namely RC-P2P.
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