Proceedings of the Third IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
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OpenMP has attracted widespread interest because it is an easy-to-use parallel programming model for shared memory multiprocessor systems. Implementation of a "cluster-enabled" OpenMP compiler is presented. Compile programs are linked to the page-based software distributed-shared-memory system, SCASH, which runs on PC clusters. This allows OpenMP programs to be run transparently in a distributed memory environment. The compiler converts programs written for OpenMP into parallel programs using the SCASH static library, moving all shared global variables into SCASH shared address space at runtime. As data mapping has a great impact on the performance of OpenMP programs compile for software distributed-shared-memory, extensions to OpenMP directives are defined for specifying data mapping and loop scheduling behavior, allowing data to be allocate to the node where it is to be processed. Experimental results of benchmark programs on PC clusters using both Myrinet and fast Ethernet are reported.
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