Resource provision within critical friend environment take place on a demand fashion and it is based on the aptitude of members to look across multiple locations for resource discovery and allocation. A major concern of such large scale and uncertain topology setting is the capability of members (nodes) to efficiently search and locate neighbouring participants. Here we adopt a Peer to Peer (P2P) approach in which every node in the network acts alike and discovers resources in a distributed coordination. More specifically, we propose the use of Chord algorithms, as a distributed peer to peer lookup protocol, put forward a new solution by assigning keys to different nodes. By specifying the aspect in which keys (data) are assigned to nodes, and how a node can determine the value for a given key, the algorithm locates the node responsible for that key. In the work herein we discuss a notable case, namely how Chord algorithms as a distributed P2P lookup protocol may determine provable solutions to the problem of efficient large scale Grid and Cloud resource localization. More specifically, the aforementioned proposal deals with the load balancing, scalability and availability of Grid and Cloud resources in a decentralized manner.