New wireless technologies with enhanced multiband capabilities will have a strong impact on spectrum management. While radio access technologies become more flexible in terms of usable spectrum, authorization regimes need to be rethought. Regulators thus will be expected to set the stage for more flexible spectrum usage scenarios in combination with a heterogeneous set of applications and services. In contrast to the current command and control approach, spectrum management would encompass the definition of abstract access and usage rules applicable to a variety of applications. Consequently, impact assessment of regulatory measures in regimes with increased flexibility and heterogeneity requires detailed ex-ante modelling with a strong focus on dynamic components. In this paper, it is argued that neither technical bottom-up nor economical top-down modeling on its own serves the goal to capture the dynamics of a flexible environment to a sufficient degree. To fill the gap, a combined simulation framework is proposed to model authorization procedures in a nationwide spectrum management ecosystem based on multiple local scenarios.