Industrial revolution 4.0. (I.R.4.0) has augmented the number of cyber-physical systems (CSP) that generate., store and process data at an unprecedented rate hence., requiring big data (BD) and big data analytics (BDA) technologies. The FMCG consist of complex and dynamic entities., wherein., physical goods and information exchange occur and generate massive amounts of data., classified as big data (BD)., which is siloed., fragmented., etc. and requires BD technologies to be processed. The absence of information integration and data defusion deprives the FMCG SC of opportunities to achieve and maintain balanced demand and supply., reduce inventory holding costs and improve logistic efficiency. The utilization of technologies such as Hadoop., etc. to process and integrate the massive amounts of BD provides streamlined information processes., reduced operational costs., information integration and fusion throughout the diverse SC to achieve accurate., timely and reliable data/information was presented in this paper using a BDA conceptual framework.