In this paper, we make use of the Beckmann-Kirchhoff and Davies scattering models to estimate surface properties for both dielectric and metallic surfaces based on reflectance measurements. In the case of metallic surfaces, we consider two refinements of the Davies theory which apply under different restrictions concerning the reflectance geometry. The first of these is due to Bennett and Porteus and applies for normal incidence and reflectance. The second is due to Torrance and applies when the incidence radiation is off normal. We then suggest three classes of materials for which the appropriate approximations may be used to estimate the surface roughness, the correlation length and the surface slope. Finally, we use the surface slope estimates to fit the Beckmann-Kirchhoff model to reflectance data. In contrast to previous methods which work at long wavelengths and use special purpose instrumentation, our methods can be performed using visible light and a digital camera.