2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science)
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The LOFAR radio telescope creates petabytes of data per year. This data is important for many scientific projects. The data needs to be efficiently processed within the timespan of these projects in order to maximize the scientific impact. We present a workflow orchestration system that integrates LOFAR processing with a distributed computing platform. The system is named Automated Grid-enabled LOFAR Workflows (AGLOW). AGLOW makes it fast and easy to develop, test and deploy complex LOFAR workflows, and to accelerate them on a distributed cluster architecture. AGLOW reduces the setup time of complex workflows: typically, from months to days. We lay out two case studies that process the data from the LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project. We have implemented these into the AGLOW environment. We also describe the capabilities of AGLOW, paving the way for use by other LOFAR science cases. In the future, AGLOW will automatically produce multiple science products from a single dataset, serving several of the LOFAR Key Science Projects.

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