Teaching software engineering (SE) is now critical part of all major curricula in computer science programs. The ultimate goals of such programs include development of teamwork practices and techniques important for software (SW) development and application of modern SE practices and processes. One of the most challenging parts in these activities is the assessment process whose goal is to evaluate student's achievement of those learning objectives, namely adherence to the software engineering process and their ability to develop adequate SW product. The challenges of the assessment process include the following: a) Fairness of the assessment process - reflection of individual performance and contribution as well as of ability of students to work in collaborative environment and support teamwork; b) Effectiveness, efficiency and ease of implementation; c) Fast and timely access to the relevant feedback about performance and collaboration of the students; d) Automation of the process and availability of the recorded data for further analysis. To address these questions we have designed a tool Elassys for assessment and analysis of teamwork and individual student performance in software engineering projects.