2010 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
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Microfabrication is a critical area to many branches of science and engineering. In this work-in-progress paper, we describe our plan to introduce microfabrication technology in a comprehensive, cross-curricular way through lectures, demonstrations and experiments from freshman through junior classes across four disciplines (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics). Immediately following, in the senior year, will be an opportunity for students in these disciplines to take a multidisciplinary microfabrication capstone course that will serve as a complete introduction to clean room theory and practice. This approach will fundamentally show microfabrication as being based on many disciplines and vital to most modern technologies. Assessment will be done for each level of the project, and assessment results will be used to continuously improve the course over time and gauge the success of attracting students into this area.
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