Let G be a graph on n vertices of maximum degree . We show that, for any , the down-up walk on independent sets of size mixes in time , thereby resolving a conjecture of Davies and Perkins in an optimal form. Here, is the NP-hardness threshold for the problem of counting independent sets of a given size in a graph on n vertices of maximum degree . Our mixing time has optimal dependence on for the entire range of k; previously, even polynomial mixing was not known. In fact, for in this range, we establish a log-Sobolev inequality with optimal constant .At the heart of our proof are three new ingredients, which may be of independent interest. The first is a method for lifting -independence from a suitable distribution on the discrete cube—in this case, the hard-core model—to the slice by proving stability of an Edgeworth expansion using a multivariate zero-free region for the base distribution. The second is a generalization of the Lee-Yau induction to prove log-Sobolev inequalities for distributions on the slice with considerably less symmetry than the uniform distribution. The third is a sharp decomposition-type result which provides a lossless comparison between the Dirichlet form of the original Markov chain and that of the so-called projected chain in the presence of a contractive coupling.