6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing
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We propose a method for wide-area message passing systems to perform collective operations using dynamically created spanning trees. In our proposal, broadcasts and reductions are performed efficiently using topology-aware spanning trees constructed at run-time; processors autonomously measure latency and bandwidth to create latency-aware trees for short messages and bandwidth-aware trees for long messages. Our spanning trees adapt to topology changes due to the joining or leaving of processors; when processors join or leave a computation, processors repair the spanning trees so that effective execution of collective operations can continue. With 128 to 201 processors distributed over 3 to 4 clusters, the latency of our broadcast was within a factor of 2 of a static topology-aware implementation, and our broadcast achieved 82 percent of the bandwidth of a static topology-aware implementation. Moreover, when some processors joined or left a computation, our broadcast temporarily performed poorly for about 8 seconds while the spanning trees adapted to the new topology, but completed successfully even during this time.