Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
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A major goal of this research is to present a framework for discussing issues and questions around Web Information Systems (WIS). WIS dynamically generate their contents, and thus require some mechanism to automatically infer metadata about WIS objects, infer access to relationships (i.e., links) among information objects, and provide hypermedia functionality such as annotation and ad hoc (user-declared) linking. The framework focuses on integrating information systems into the Web and providing hypermedia functionality to them. This should result in new ways to view and manage the WIS' knowledge and information relationships. The framework has three layers: interface, integration and infrastructure. The interface layer highlights the importance of designing Web interfaces appropriate for system functionality. The integration layer concerns integrating information systems, hypermedia support and inter-application interoperability. The infrastructure layer concerns using the Internet and Web technologies to support interoperability, hypermedia, and overall development at the integration layer. This framework should help system developers think more fully about their designs.

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