36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the
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EnCompass?1, a web-enabled system for organizational process visualization, analysis, synthesis, and management, provides an interactive vehicle for understanding the influence of the modus of interaction on the impact and effectiveness or organizational communication, decision-making, and task execution processes. The conceptual framework of EnCompass? is straightforward. Using a tailored data collection instrument (DCI), information is collected from the members of the organization (and external interfaces, as appropriate) about their individual interactions on selected issues of consequence. The population for the survey is designed to include those individuals that have significant impact on the issues selected for consideration. Each participant completes the DCI indicating the individuals with whom they have regular, task related interaction; the frequency of the interaction, on a numerical scale relevant to the particular study; the importance that they perceive the interaction has for task execution on a numerical scale ranging from unimportant to critical; and the impact that the interactions have on decisions related to each of the issues. In addition, the modus of the interactions is indicated.

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