36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the
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Political participation in a modern, federal state is a complex business for an average educated citizen. These circumstances support political abstinence: Statistical studies prove the fact that as far as votes and elections are concerned, which are the most easy way to participate, the participation in votes and elections declined 20% respectively about 40%. Since 1900. Therefore it is necessary to search for new ways to reduce the political abstinence and to motivate citizens to participate in political processes. In this context eDemocracy is an often discussed option. It allows new forms of political participation and thus can ease the access to and the integration of persons and institutions into political processes. "mDemocracy" " as an addition to the eDemocracy " persecutes this aim, to simplify both the access to and the participation in political discussions and problems. In this paper we discuss the role of mobile technol-ogy in democratic processes. Further we outline the legal restrictions as well as technical and political requirements. In particular we analyse where the use of mobile devices can weaken shortcomings of the democratic process supported by non-mobile devices.

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