This research paper carries out a proposal to implement an efficient way to electrify the streets of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, using solar power. Recently, government has launched a project named “Solar PhotovoltaicPowered LED (Light Emitting Diode) Street Lighting” to electrify the streets of Dhaka using only solar panels. Under the prevailing project, 122 LED lights, each of 30W are installed to electrify approximately 2 km streets. But after implementation, it has been founded that 60-100W LED light is required for adequately illuminating the streets which will allow the ADB (Asian Development Bank) fund to cover only 250-300 km streets. Our proposal is to use the solar panels implemented in this project more efficiently by adding concentrators, installing tracking system and using integrated battery. This system improves the total output of solar panel by maximum utilization of available photovoltaic energy and maximum utilization of the duration for which solar power is available based on concentration and tracking system and thereby we hope that it will help to enhance the total street coverage within the budget.