37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the
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NEMO (Networked Environment for Media Orchestration) is a policy managed, peer-to-peer, service orchestration framework that supports the formation of grass roots, self organizing service networks that can enable rich media experiences. We describe some of the interesting features of the NEMO architecture, and some experimental applications. Services are distributed across peer-to-peer communicating nodes. Each node provides message routing and orchestration using a message pump and workflow collator designed specifically for NEMO. Distributed policy management of service interfaces helps to provide trust and security, supporting commercial exchange of value. P2P messaging and workflow collation allow rich services to be dynamically created from a heterogeneous set of primitive services. We examine the possibilities of P2P computing when the shared resources are services of many different types, using different service interface bindings beyond those typically supported in a web service deployment built on UDDI, SOAP, and WSDL. NEMO provides a media services framework enabling nodes to find one other, interact, exchange value, and cooperate across tiers of networks from WANs to PANs. Using NEMO, digital rights management is more concerned with policy management of service interfaces than copy protection, and new services can more easily ensure fair use. This has the potential to change the tension between consumers and content providers in the digital content domain as the NEMO enriched infrastructure provides consumers with better information, more useful services and instant gratification.

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