2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
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We propose a hybrid context based topic model for word sense disambiguation in document representation. Document representation is an essential part of various document based tasks, and word sense disambiguation is to capture the distinctions of word senses in the representation. Traditional methods mainly rely on knowledge libraries for data enrichment; however, semantics division for a word may vary from different domain-specific datasets. We aim to discover more particular word semantic differences for each input dataset and handle the disambiguation problem without data enrichment. The challenge for this disambiguation is to (1) divide various senses for each polysemous word while (2) preserve the differences between synonyms. Most of the existing models are either based on separate context clusters or integrating an auxiliary module to specify word senses. They can hardly achieve both (1) and (2) since different senses of a word are assumed to be independent and their intrinsic relationships are ignored. To solve this problem, we estimate a word sense by both the context in which it occurs and the contexts of its other occurrences. Besides, we introduce the "Bag-of-Senses" (BoS) assumption: a document is a multiset of word senses, and the senses are generated instead of the words. Our experiments on three standard datasets show that our proposal outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy of word sense estimation, topic modeling, and document classification.
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