This paper reveals an analysis of the Body Mass Index to determine the body composition and basal metabolic rate of the administrative staff at Universidad Técnica de Ambato through the creation of a mobile application called “eHealth-UTA”. This app was designed to establish the corporal condition of the study subjects. The automation of the system allowed taking real data and calculating the corporal condition according to the table established by the World Health Organization, while for basal metabolism, the formula established by Harris-Benedict was applied to suggest the daily caloric consumption based on a sedentary lifestyle that is the result of eight hours of work activities in public attention. For this purpose, this study analized a population of 99 people, from which 48 are female and 51 are male. The results obtained show that males studied have a higher rate of being overweight or obesity which is 49%, while for females it was 17%. The experiments demonstrated that technologically supported differentiated programs for integral health are necesary.