2013 2nd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV 2013)
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The complexity of voltage collapse problem has increased with increasing interconnections between independent power systems. When a bulk power transmission network (generation and transmission system) is operated close to the voltage stability limit, it becomes difficult to control the reactive power demand for that system. As a result, the system voltage stability is affected, which if undetected may lead to voltage collapse. Voltage collapse is generally caused by either of the two types of system disturbances: load variations and contingencies. In respect to voltage collapse phenomenon, information based on loading capability is highly important for the secure operation of the power system. In this paper, the most probable voltage collapse points of the Bangladesh Power System Network (BPSN) have been predicted using continuation power flow method. Voltage stability of BPSN is improved by placing static VAR compensator (SVC). A load flow analysis based technique is used to determine the amount of reactive power support needed. Results show good improvements.
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