The security landscape of blockchain technology faces a formidable challenge from the emergence of quantum computing. A promising remedy for blockchain-based cryptographic systems has emerged in the form of lattice-based signature schemes. This review of the literature provides a thorough analysis of several lattice-based signature schemes that are resistant to quantum attacks and can increase their efficiency in a blockchain environment by shortening the key and signature length. This study considers the lattice signature schemes, including those based on NTRUEncrpyt and Falcon, as well as lattice-based blind and homomorphic signature schemes. This study explores the key principles of the above signature schemes, and how they safeguard the blockchains from quantum attacks. This research study begins with some basic idea of lattice-based signature schemes and their significance to resist quantum attacks. The important aspect of this review is an in-depth analysis of existing literature on lattice signature schemes. The main areas concentrated were the design principles, cryptography foundations, and its computational aspects, most importantly the reduction of key and signature length. Furthermore, this research study highlights the ongoing research strategies, and open challenges in the field, such as key management strategies, practical implementation considerations, and integration with existing blockchain protocols. This study provides insight into the state-of-the-art research and development in the field of lattice-based signature schemes designed for blockchain-based applications. This study underscores the importance of addressing the quantum threat while optimizing the performance of blockchain networks, laying the foundation for future advancements in this critical area of research.