2024 5th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI)
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A recent development in technology called the blockchain permits extensive financial transactions amongst scattered, unreliable parties without an intermediary like banks. The use of blockchain technology in agriculture and the food supply chain encompasses current initiatives and general effects, challenges, and possibilities while examining how far along each of these projects is in their development. Each block contains a group of transactions verified using the pre-established consensus algorithm. Through role-specific web and mobile apps, participants in the food supply chain interact with the blockchain ledger. Farmers use the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) to store files that have been IPFS hash in and record environmental and crop growth data. This improves transaction transparency, boosts food safety, and reduces food waste and trade. Crypto technology has given food supply networks complete insights at each stage. Discussions frequently focus on how decentralized and unregulated blockchain technology. It is utilized to make and implement the traceability technique, and the blockchain tech platform's Hyperledger Fabric is layer-based on food chain processes. Furthermore, to provide transparency, every component of the supply chain must be able to connect with the system. The blockchain network's peer participants approve food-related transactions and requests. Additionally, the proposed model provides transparency; each part of the supply chain must be able to connect with the system. The Customers' purchase satisfaction is evaluated using a scanning device with a barcode and QR code scanner, and the results are confirmed using smart contracts.
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