The targeted use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can provide a very effective holistic platform for the delivery of eHealth services. Through the integration of communication information delivery mediums such as SMS\MMS coupled with the web and\or native mobile applications information technologies, eHealth services can be extended and readily adapted to mobile devices giving rise to the domain of mHealth (mobile health). This paper details an innovative new platform for providing mental health and support services to its registered users. More specifically the demographical focus is on young indigenous Australian men, providing health service and support for those that are soon to be or new fathers. The research and body of work represents an implemented ICT framework that utilizes SMS, MMS, email, and a companion mobile web application collectively entitled StayinOnTrack. The implemented system has now been in production for 18 months with an active pilot community user base. As the results have been successfully positive and encouraging, the project is undergoing nationwide expansion.