In the recent literature, many definitions of partial randomness of reals have been proposed and studied rather discretely. For instance, it is known that for a computable real \epsilon\in(0,1)ϵ∈(0,1), strong Martin-L\ddot{o}¨of \epsilonϵ-randomness is strictly stronger than Solovay \epsilonϵ-randomness which is strictly stronger than weak Martin-L\ddot{o}¨of \epsilonϵ-randomness. In the present work, we firstly give several new definitions of partial randomness --- strong Kolmogorov \epsilonϵ-randomness and weak/strong DH-Chaitin \epsilonϵ-randomness. Then, we investigate the relation between \epsilonϵ-randomness by one definition and \epsilon'-randomness by another. Finally, we show that all of the known definitions of \epsilon-randomness are quasi-equivalent.