Under many circumstances, reaching a common agreement in the presence of faulty components is the central issue of fault tolerant distributed computing. So Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem has become more and more important in the distributed system. Traditionally, the BA problem was visited in a Fully Connected Network (FCN), BroadCasting Network (BCN) and Generalize Connected Network (GCN). Subsequently, the malicious fault assumption with processors or communication media was extended to hybrid fault model on both processors and communication media. However, the network structures (topologies) of FCN, BCN and GCN are not practical in nowadays. In this study, we lighten restrictions of the network structure to revisit BA problem with MultiCasting Network (MCN). The proposed protocol uses the minimum number of rounds of message exchange and can tolerate the maximum number of allowable faulty components to make each fault-free processor reach a common agreement in an MCN.