Large scale ontology applications require efficientreasoning services, of which ontology classification is thefundamental reasoning task. The special EL reasoners areefficient, but they can not classify ontologies with axiomsoutside the OWL 2 EL profile. The general-purpose OWL 2reasoners for expressive Description Logics are less efficientwhen classifying the OWL 2 EL ontologies. In this work, wepropose a novel technique that combines an OWL 2 reasonerwith an EL reasoner for classification of ontologies expressedin DL SROIQ. We develop an efficient task decompositionalgorithm for identifying the minimal non-EL module that isassigned to the OWL 2 reasoner, and the bulk of the workloadis assigned to the EL reasoner. Furthermore, this paper reportson the implementation of our approach in the ComR systemwhich integrates the two types of reasoners in a black-boxmanner. The experimental results show that our method leadsto a reasonable task assignment and can offer a substantialspeedup (over 50%) in ontology classification.