Analysis of phenomena that simultaneously occur on different spatial and temporal scales requires adaptive, hierarchical schemes to reduce computational and storage demands. Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) schemes support both refinement in space that results in a time-dependent grid topology, as well as refinement in time that results in updates at higher rates for refined levels. Visualization of AMR data requires generating data for absent refinement levels at specific time steps. We describe a solution starting from a given set of "key frames" with potentially different grid topologies. The presented work was developed in a project involving several research institutes that collaborate in the field of cosmology and numerical relativity. AMR data results from simulations that are run on dedicated compute machines and is thus stored centrally, whereas the analysis of the data is performed on the local computers of the scientists. We built a distributed solution using remote procedure calls (RPC). To keep the application responsive, we split the bulk data transfer from the RPC response and deliver it asynchronously as a binary stream. The number of network round-trips is minimized by using high level operations. In summary, we provide an application for exploratory visualization of remotely stored AMR data.