2011 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
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Previous research suggests strong connections between mathematics background and persistence in engineering career aspirations. This study expands on this research by examining how mathematics identity impacts the choice of engineering careers for male and female students. Our framework encompasses interest, recognition, performance, and competence as central factors that contribute to the development of mathematics identity. The data used in this study were drawn from the Factors Influencing College Success in Mathematics (FICS-Math) project; the survey included questions on students' demographics, mathematics background/experiences, interest in mathematics, and career aspirations. Results indicate that factors of mathematics interest, mathematics competence and performance, and mathematics recognition are significant predictors of the choice of an engineering career, even after controlling for SAT/ACT math scores and demographics such as parental education. Moreover, the interaction between mathematics recognition and gender is also significant with the estimate indicating that females who are recognized in mathematics are more likely to choose engineering careers. This work reaffirms the importance of mathematics to engineering career choices and furthers the discussion by looking beyond mathematics grades to ascertaining the importance of mathematics identity.
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