Biometric identification by contactless fingerprinting has been a trend in recent years, reinforced by the pandemic of the new coronavirus (COVID-19). Contactless acquisition tends to be a more hygienic acquisition category with greater user acceptance because it is less invasive and does not require the use of a surface touched by other people as traditional acquisition does. However, this area presents some challenging tasks. Contact-based sensors still generally provide greater biometric effectiveness since the minutiae are more pronounced due to the high contrast between ridges and valleys. On the other hand, contactless images typically have low contrast, so the methods fail with spurious or undetectable details, demonstrating the need for further studies in this area. In this work, we propose and analyze a robust scaled deep learning model for extracting minutiae in contactless fingerprint images. The results, evaluated on three datasets, show that the proposed method is competitive against other minutia extraction algorithms and commercial software.