Scalable scheduling is being increasingly regarded as an important requirement in high performance systems. There is a demand for high throughput schedulers in servers, data-centers, networking hardware, large storage systems, and in multi-cores of the future. In this paper, we consider an important subset of schedulers namely slot schedulers that discretize time into quanta called slots. Slot schedulers are commonly used for scheduling jobs in a large number of applications. Current implementations of slot schedulers are either sequential, or use locks. Sadly, lock based synchronization can lead to blocking, and deadlocks, and effectively reduces concurrency. To mitigate these problems, we propose a set of parallel lock-free and wait-free slot scheduling algorithms. Our algorithms are immune to operating system jitter, and guarantee forward progress. Additionally, all our algorithms are linearizable and expose the scheduler's interface as a shared data structure with standard semantics. We empirically demonstrate the scalability of our algorithms for a setup with thousands of requests per second on a 24 thread server. The wait free algorithms are most of the time as fast as the lock-free versions (3X-8X slower in the worst case).