Different CCT powders containing several phases, CaCu/sub 3/Ti/sub 4/O/sub 12/ (major phase), CaTiO/sub 3/ and CuO are elaborated by a "soft chemistry" method. Three main types of sintered ceramics are realized: a monophased consisting of the pure CCT phase, a biphased (CCT + CaTiO/sub 3/), and a three-phased (CCT + CaTiO/sub 3/ + copper oxide (CuO or Cu/sub 2/O)). All of them present original dielectric properties. Values up to 8 /spl times/ 10/sup 5/ at 1 kHz are obtained for the relative permittivity with relatively low losses. The origin of such huge permittivity values and the influence of the structure (presence of additional phases) on the dielectric properties of the ceramics are discussed.