Proceedings 2002 International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms, and Networks
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A radio network is a distributed system with no central arbiter, consisting of n radio transceivers, henceforth referred to as stations. We assume that the stations are identical and cannot be distinguished by serial or manufacturing number. The leader election problem asks to designate one of the station as leader.In this work, we focus on single-channel, single-hop radio networks. We assume that time is slotted and all transmissions occur at slot boundaries. In each time slot the stations transmit on the channel with some probability until, eventually, one of the stations is declared leader. The {\em history} of a station up to time slot t is captured by the status of the channel and the transmission activity of the station in each of the t time slots.From the perspective of how much of the history information is used, we identify three types of leader election protocols for single-channel, single-hop radio networks: {\bf oblivious} if no history information is used, {\bf uniform} if only the history of the status of the channel is used, and {\bf non-uniform} if the stations use both the status of channel and the transmission activity. The main goal of this paper is to provide a survey of recent leader election protocols for radio networks.
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