In time-critical systems, run-time adaptation is required to improve the performance of time-triggered execution, derived based on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of tasks. By improving performance, the systems can provide higher Quality-of-Service, in safety-critical systems, or execute other best-effort applications, in mixed-critical systems. To achieve this goal, we propose a parallel interference-sensitive run-time adaptation mechanism that enables a fine-grained synchronisation among cores. Since the run-time adaptation of offline solutions can potentially violate the timing guarantees, we present the Response-Time Analysis (RTA) of the proposed mechanism showing that the system execution is free of timing-anomalies. The RTA takes into account the timing behavior of the proposed mechanism and its associated WCET. To support our contribution, we evaluate the behavior and the scalability of the proposed approach for different application types and execution configurations on the 8-core Texas Instruments TMS320C6678 platform. The obtained results show significant performance improvement compared to state-of-the-art centralized approaches.