2016 17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD)
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This paper clarifies the characteristics of analysis methods of the evaluation results obtained through the Impression Evaluation Method by Space (IEMS). The IEMS uses a plane containing impression words as the Kansei space. The impression of an object is specified by circling the areas matching the impression. The degree of matching the impression is expressed by painting color. Three analysis methods have been proposed for the IEMS. These use the baseline Kansei space, the impression words, and the peaks of darkness of the evaluation results, respectively. These methods are compared from the viewpoints of spatial evaluation, relationships among impression words, darkness of evaluated areas, impression words added, and impression words moved. Moreover, it is clarified the information obtained through the three analysis methods. Each of them is suitable in obtaining specific information. They should be used according to the information required to be obtained.
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