2022 IEEE/ACIS 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD)
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This research focuses on integrating low-cost 2D-Lidar into a multi-split laser vaporization system that can incinerate wastes and general objects to improve the problem of manual alignment of the laser vaporization machine. In the experiment, we proposed a custom angle range and a distance threshold screening method for 2D-Lidar to distinguish whether there is an object in the scanning area and object locating. Through the law of cosine, the 2D-Lidar scanning angle is evenly distributed to the multi-split laser vaporization system. The object scanning method uses the Modbus TCP communication mode to enable the 2D-Lidar on the PC side to handshaking with the PLC on the central control side of the system. Scanning and size calculation of the object can obtain the position point of the object and hence improving the efficiency of the multi-split laser vaporization system. In addition, 2D lidar is readily available and inexpensive, in which making it more cost-effective than 3D-Lidar.
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