Mobile ad hoc networks have been used in the area where fixed network infrastructure is not available or wireless ad hoc connection is needed. Since mobile ad hoc network nodes are usually battery operated and it is possible that some mobile nodes will eventually run out of battery and misbehave by dropping packets to save their battery level. In this paper, we propose a routing algorithm to prolong network lifetime and reliable routing approach which considers both reliability of selected route for delivered packets and residual battery level of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks. The proposed routing mechanism will adaptively select routes using minimum cost routing and reputation routing schemes based on network condition to keep the network lifetime and maintain the ratio of successfully delivered packets over a given threshold. In our minimum cost routing scheme, we introduce a new cost function incorporating the energy consumption and residual battery level for route selection to avoid malicious nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed method can achieve high ratio of successfully delivered packets as well as maintain the network lifetime.