This paper presents a unique SPICE modeling scheme for Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT). The motivation here is to create a platform which can analyze the impact of various non-ideal effects of a transformer on sensor performance. The approach is based on the magnetic equations and transformer theory and is computation friendly. This reduces the overall computation requirement providing it a distinct advantage over Artificial Neural Network and Finite Element Modeling techniques. It captures the impact of all major non-ideal effects of a practical LVDT, viz. Inrush current, secondary loading, hysteresis, eddy current loss, winding loss and magnetic leakage. These effects are parameterized, which provides the flexibility of studying their impact individually on the performance of signal conditioning circuits used in systems based on LVDT. This also allows the same framework to be used for multiple LVDT products. Verilog-A, being supported by most SPICE simulators, is used for modeling.