Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2002
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Virtual Reality (VR) is now over a decade old (perhaps, much older, depending on its definition). Applications of VR are growing more numerous, and the technology is slowly emerging as a tool that can be used in educational, industrial, and governmental organizations. Today most of those who enter a Virtual Environment do so for only a short exposure. However, the time is probably not far away when some users of VR systems may spend their entire workday immersed in a Virtual Environment. We contend that most developers of immersive VR applications have observed users of their systems experience from moderate to servere psychophysical effects. Such effects may range from simple discomfort to an inability to remain in the Virtual Environment. Moreover, some of these effects (e.g., disorientation and flashbacks) may persist after the end of the VR exposure. This panel brings together a distinguished group of scientists who have conducted research on perception in VR and on the psychophysical effects of exposure to a Virtual Environment. The panelists will be asked to address the following questions. ? Is there a problem? That is, do we have enough evidence to require that a "Surgeon General's Warning" be attached to immersive VR applications? ? If there is a problem, what are the specific psychophysical effects that are most likely to emerge as barriers to the widespread adoption of VR for long-term (i.e., multi- hour tasks)? ? Are VR systems the same as flight simulators and what can our long experience with flight simulators teach us? ? What research needs to be done so that we can (1) better understand how/why VR systems cause psychophysical effects and (2) protect VR users from harm and VR developers from lawsuits? The panel session will conclude with questions from the audience.
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