2017 IEEE 35th VLSI Test Symposium (VTS)
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This work presents an efficient modification of the classical servo-loop static test setup aimed at the on-chip implementation of reduced-code static linearity test techniques. The proposed modified servo-loop provides a direct measurement of the width of a given ADC code without the need of an integrated voltmeter. The proposed measurement strategy is based on using a controlled step-wise ramp stimulus generator for exciting the ADC under test in such a way that the measurement of a code width can be determined in the digital domain by simply counting the number of ramp steps between two consecutive ADC output transitions. Moreover, the ability of the proposed servo-loop to target a given ADC code makes it very suitable for implementing advanced reduced-code static test techniques. This work analyses the performance limits of the proposed discrete-time servo-loop technique and explores its application to reduced-code linearity testing of pipeline ADCs.
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