2021 ACM/IEEE Workshop on Computer Architecture Education (WCAE)
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The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated courses being moved online and preferably made asynchronous. This was particularly challenging for small liberal arts colleges, whose faculty and students are used to close interaction. This paper describes the set of interactive asynchronous mini-lectures and online lab assignments used for an undergraduate computer architecture course at Mills College. The materials, which follow best practices for active learning, are available online for faculty at other institutions to use and modify under a Creative Commons license. We also discuss the pros and cons of making the course self-paced.CCS CONCEPTS• Applied computing → E-learning; Interactive learning environments; • Social and professional topics → Computer science education.ACM Reference Format:Ellen Spertus. 2021. Interactive Asynchronous Online Computer Architecture Education. In Proceedings of Workshop on Computer Architecture Education 2021 (WCAE ’21). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. https: //doi.org/10.1145/nnnnnnn.nnnnnnn
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