The Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN) is a wireless network used for communication among sensor nodes operating on or inside the human body in order to monitor vital body parameters and movements. The design and the development of such systems for health monitoring have gained a lot of attention recently in both the research and the industry. Mainly motivated by the increasing of healthcare costs and propelled by the recent advances in the development of miniature health monitoring devices. This paper presents a preventive health care system with a flexible design. By using sensors nodes in combination with a mobile data collector, both daily continuous monitoring as well as specific controls are provided. In this work, we propose a system based on an architecture with heterogeneous nodes to provide continuous monitoring. A model has been defined to describe the system global behavior. An important aspect of this work is that we propose a model driven (MDE) approach to derive the behavior of each node in the network from the system global behavior. The derived behaviors include the synchronization messages to ensure the global coordination among the system components.