Proceedings of Joint 4th International Computer Science Conference and 4th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
Dec. 2 1997 to Dec. 5 1997
Clear Water Bay, HONG KONG
ISBN: 0-8186-8271-X
Table of Contents
Session 1A: Metrics and Quality Assurance
Session 1A: Metrics and Quality Assurance
Session 1C: Knowledge and Logic Based Systems
Session 1C: Knowledge and Logic Based Systems
Session 1C: Knowledge and Logic Based Systems
Session 2A: Object-Oriented Techniques
Session 2A: Object-Oriented Techniques
Session 2B: Validation and Verification I
Session 2B: Validation and Verification I
Session 2C: Distributed and Mobile Systems
Session 2C: Distributed and Mobile Systems
Session 2C: Distributed and Mobile Systems
Session 3A: Software Design Methodology I
Session 3A: Software Design Methodology I
Session 3A: Software Design Methodology I
Session 3B: Validation and Verification I
Session 3B: Validation and Verification I
Session 3B: Validation and Verification I
Session 3B: Validation and Verification I
Session 3C: Software Process
Session 4A: Software Design Methodology II
Session 4A: Software Design Methodology II
Session 4B: User Interaction
Session 5A: Software Development Environment
Session 5A: Software Development Environment
Session 5A: Software Development Environment
Session 5B: Concurrency
Session 5B: Concurrency
Session 5B: Concurrency
Concise Papers
Tutorial Summaries
Tutorial Summaries